Resepi ni akak ambil dari rumah mamafamis...sedaplah...resepi asal dari rumah Watie..kat umah mamafami tulis omputih...tak kan tak faham kan..jomlah buat untuk minum petang...sodappp..akak buat malam tadi..resepi asal murtabak mee segera.
Adapted from : Watie
Ingredients :
1 packet instant noodle (curry flavour)-akak guna mee ajer
2 eggs
1 packet curry flavour (in the packet)
1 piece beef burger ~ diced
1 onion ~ diced
1/2 red capsicum ~ diced
1/2 yellow capsicum ~ diced
1 tablespoon butter
cooking oil
Method :
1. Boil water and add in the noodle. Cook till noodles are soft. Put through a sieve. Keep aside.(guna mee tak yah guna step yang ini)
2. In a bowl, break the eggs. Add in curry flavour and half of the diced onion. Keep aside.
3. In a pot over medium heat, add in butter. Once melted, add in the other half of the diced onion. Saute till translucent. Add in beef burger, red and yellow capsicum. Fry till beef burger is cooked through.
4. Add the burger into the eggs mixture. Add in the soft noodles and mix well.
5. Heat a bit of oil in a small non stick pan. Spoon the noodles onto the pan dan leave to cook. Flip it over so that both sides are well cooked.
6. Serve with tomato or chillie sauce.
Ingredients :
1 packet instant noodle (curry flavour)-akak guna mee ajer
2 eggs
1 packet curry flavour (in the packet)
1 piece beef burger ~ diced
1 onion ~ diced
1/2 red capsicum ~ diced
1/2 yellow capsicum ~ diced
1 tablespoon butter
cooking oil
Method :
1. Boil water and add in the noodle. Cook till noodles are soft. Put through a sieve. Keep aside.(guna mee tak yah guna step yang ini)
2. In a bowl, break the eggs. Add in curry flavour and half of the diced onion. Keep aside.
3. In a pot over medium heat, add in butter. Once melted, add in the other half of the diced onion. Saute till translucent. Add in beef burger, red and yellow capsicum. Fry till beef burger is cooked through.
4. Add the burger into the eggs mixture. Add in the soft noodles and mix well.
5. Heat a bit of oil in a small non stick pan. Spoon the noodles onto the pan dan leave to cook. Flip it over so that both sides are well cooked.
6. Serve with tomato or chillie sauce.

dlm berpantang ni kan... linn rasa nak mkn jer semua.. huhhuhuhu
BalasPadamina..terima kasih resepi nasi ayam semalam..akak dah buat dah..anak2 semua suka..terima kasih banyak2 ina..sedap..
BalasPadamkak ina!!!
nampak sodap!!!
comel je murtabak tu..
perlu post ke rumah saya!!!
murtabak megi ni dulu masa skolah
BalasPadamsangat untung klu jual masa pasar malam
huhu sedappp
nnt sy suh rumate sy masak murtabak nih..dia laki tp dia terer masak..yg kenduri aritu, dia siap masak nasi arab..sodapp..
BalasPadamaduh sedapnye kak.
BalasPadamsaya nampak akak kat gatsby haritu. walaupun akak tak kenal saya tapi akak senyum kat saye. hehe.
hahhaa..saya cuba buat benda ni..nampak macam senang..sekali saya buat tak jadi bulat macam tu pun..macam telur hancur adalah..tapi takpe,penampilan makanan tak penting..yang penting boleh lah telan..sob3..
BalasPadam(saya masak tak sedap,nak kena kawin cepat ni..haha)
~~drooling....tempting...lama dah xmakan murtabak stail gini sedap jek..nnt nak try gak la..heheeh..
BalasPadambahan2 semua ada, nak masak yg baloq liat
BalasPadamVa va vaaaa murtabak mee sudah sini mari! Senang je nak buat kan kak. Tapi kita ni dah tiga kali buat, dah kena stop dulu. Bak kata Syahmi, I'll loose my tastebuds! Mana tahu lepas ni kita cuba try test buat murtabak kue tiau plak. Hahaha... tak kuasa!
BalasPadamk ina buat pakai mee. kit ebuat pakai maggie. senang coz itu je yg senang dan paling banyak ade kat dapur nie
BalasPadamsalam cik linn..oo dah selamat bersalin ek..nak tenguklah muka baby kamu..
BalasPadamsalam kak erna..oh yer ker..tq lah sudi cuba..memang best kan...
salam hakimfaridzul..apa ke hallah nak pos makanan..nanti rosak dalam perjalanan.
salam laila..oo yer ker..bolehlah kamu jual lepas ni.
salam JMR...bagusnya kalau lelaki pandai masak..tentu senang isteri dia kan.
salam Yob sumo..oh yer ker..sorrylah akak tak perasan ek..lain kali tegurlah yer.
salam sendra..budak tak cukup umur gatai nak kawin???habiskan study dulu k..
salam aurikelsan..nanti cuberlah yer..
salam beba..cuba jangan tak cuba.
salam matjoe..kalau virus M dah ada..memang payahlah kan.
salam mamafami..amboi sampai 3 kali..kang naik berat badan syahmi..
salam cik pakai maggi ek..mesti sodap tu