SEOUL (Reuters Life!) - South Korean entertainer Park Yong Ha, one of the most sought after actors in South Korea and a popular singer in Japan, was found dead in his home in Seoul on Wednesday in an apparent suicide, local media reported.
Park's body was found by his mother with an electrical cord around his neck but there was no suicide note, The Korea Herald quoted police as reporting.
Park, 32, had recently devoted himself to nursing his ailing father who was in the final stages of stomach cancer. He was reported to have been struggling with sleep problems as well.
Park made his acting debut in 1992 but rose to fame in 2002 in the television drama "Winter Sonata", winning a following in Japan and other nations in southeast Asia.
He also forged a career for himself as a singer in Japan where he put out 10 hit albums in the past five years and won four consecutive Japan Gold Disc Awards -- a first for a Korean pop singer.
He was due to start filming in July for a Korean television drama called "Comrades, Almost a Love Story", which is a remake of a popular 1996 Hong Kong film.
Park's death comes after a string of suicides by South Korean celebrities in recent years.
Figures from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2009 show that South Korea's suicide rate experienced a sharp increase from the late 1990s and South Korea now has the highest rate among OECD countries of around 22 deaths per 100,000 people.
(Writing by Belinda Goldsmith, Editing by Miral Fahmy)
He was due to start filming in July for a Korean television drama called "Comrades, Almost a Love Story", which is a remake of a popular 1996 Hong Kong film.
Park's death comes after a string of suicides by South Korean celebrities in recent years.
Figures from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2009 show that South Korea's suicide rate experienced a sharp increase from the late 1990s and South Korea now has the highest rate among OECD countries of around 22 deaths per 100,000 people.
(Writing by Belinda Goldsmith, Editing by Miral Fahmy)
Oh tak sangka ek...mati cara camtu..rugi tul lah...muker handsome camni pun ada masalah jugak kan..
Dulu masa cerita Winter Sonata keluar..akak sanggup beli cd ori tau..kat Jaya Jusco Wangsa Maju. Sebab malas nak tenguk kat tv...lambat sangat.
Dulu masa cerita Winter Sonata keluar..akak sanggup beli cd ori tau..kat Jaya Jusco Wangsa Maju. Sebab malas nak tenguk kat tv...lambat sangat.
suka tenguk muka handsome dia ni dulu...
lahir pada 12-08-1977..memegang watak sebagai Kim Sang-Hyuk dalam cerita WS..memang meninggalkan kesan dan fenomena kan.. Winter Sonata ni memang menjadi salah satu siri drama yang paling fofolur pada tahun 2002/2003..sampai ada yang sanggup mencongok di depan tv bila cerita ni mula di tayangkan di tv...tak perasan tv mana...rasanya tv 3 kot..
dan heroin yang cun ni..cute masa dia berlakon sebagai budak sekolah
dan ashik menangis bila terkenangkan kekasih lama yang diingatkan telah mati. Wah..kena layan balik cerita ni..sape yang tak tenguk cerita ni
kena tenguk..memang best sungguh..
dia ni lebih fofolur jadi penyanyi..
kena tenguk..memang best sungguh..
dia ni lebih fofolur jadi penyanyi..
Family, friends, and fans continue to mourn for Park Yong Ha’s passing yesterday in what has officially been announced as a suicide. The Hallyu star (32) was found hanging in his bedroom with a camcorder charger. Police believe Park Yong Ha died between 4 and 5:30AM the 30th of June due to suffocation and are currently going through further examinations to settle out any uncertainties.
Investigators are still uncertain of the reasons behind Park’s suicide. However, there are some speculations, including the actor’s stress from work and the recent illness of his father. Park Yong Ha, who is the CEO of his own company YONA Entertainment, might have had difficulty taking care of his business in addition to his own acting and singing career. In addition, the actor's father had been diagnosed with stomach cancer, which depreciated his own well-being.
However, the actor’s recent Twit: “People often talk about me when even I do not know myself well enough” further complicates the matter as we wonder if the actor suffered stress from the media as well. Suicide due to health or love issues seems unlikely.
Many of the actor’s colleagues in the film and music industry attended the funeral hall at Kang Nam Virgin Mary Hospital, where the late actor was temporarily placed. Stars that came to pay their condolences include Bae Yong Jun, Choi Ji Woo, So Ji Sup, Kim Hyun Joo, SS501’s Kim Hyun Jun, U-Kiss’ Kim Ki Bum, CN Blue, Park Hyo Shin, and so forth. Song Yun Ah, Park Shi Yeon, and many others who were particularly close with the actor were seen weeping. Others such as Uhm Ji Won and Joo Young Hun left Twitter messages, expressing their heartbreak from this tragic and unfortunate event.
Park Yong Ha, who was born in 1977 was the second of three children in his family and graduated from Joong Ang University with a Theater and Film Major degree. Soon after, he began his acting career with “Theme Game” (1994) and “Start” (1996). It was not until 2002 when Park Yong Hee became a Hallyu star through the hit series, “Winter Sonata” and he continued gaining popularity through dramas “Loving You” and “On Air.” The actor was also known for his movie roles in “When It Snows on Christmas” and “Even If You Hate Me, Just One More Time" and his musical career in Japan.
Park Yong Ha was set to start filming for the upcoming drama series, tentatively titled “Love Song” alongside actress Yoon Eun Hye. The drama is a remake of Hong Kong film, “Tian Mi Mi.”
The funeral service will be held on July 2nd at 8AM as a Buddhist ceremony, and the late actor will be buried at Gyeon Gi Do Province.
Bae Yong Jun & Choi Ji Woo(hero dan heroin Winter Sonata)menangis teresak-esak
sedih betul Choi Ji Woo
Kim Bum

pelakon korea memang ramai bunuh diri...hmmm kat sana maju,makin ramai yg mengalami tekanan mungkin
BalasPadamsaya mase tu sibuk keje piza,xtentu mase..dgr2 jer kecoh org sibok citer psl citer ni.
off day baru dpt tgk,memang best citer nya
siannyaa!!! popular tp tak bhgia!!
BalasPadamomegod kak ina..tak sangka dia ni ye..ishhh..
BalasPadamSalam ziarah,
BalasPadam1st time datang melawat sini hiks..
Park yong ha depressed sebab ayah dia pengidap kanser.. kesian dia kan? sedangkan sehari sebelum dia mati, dia call kawan baik dia dengan suara yang ceria but after mid night jumpa ayah dia terus sedih dan dia ulang kali sebut 'i'm sorry'.. mungkin tak sanggup tengok penderitaan ayah dia kot.
lagipun dah jadi rasmi sesetengah k idol ni, bila over popular - depressed. bila tak popular pun depressed. dah jadi macam amalan diorang plak.
but he is my favorite k actor. suka 1st filem dia 'loving you'.
eh.. eh.. terpanjang plak komen hiks
salam kenal..
salam singgah sini kak ina...
BalasPadamdedulu suka sgt drama korea.. 1stly jatuh cinta dgn winter sonata...
tp winter sonata memang best.. saya hari2 balik kerja on time sbb nak tgk citer tu... hihiii..
salam akak.
BalasPadampark yongha memang dah lama ada masalah,tapi dia simpan sorang2.
insomnia dah 14tahun.
masalah bisnes lagi, bapa dia sakit lagi.
tapi tak sangka pengakhiran dia macam tu.
Salam singgah...1st time tinggalkan comment kat sini =) hmmm tapi nih bukan lead actor winter sonata rasanyakan...yg hero mcm pakai spect kalo x silap...hehe dulu tak layan sgt cite ni sbb rasa agak tragis citenye XD haha layan cite yang romantic comedy jek (^_~)
BalasPadampergh insomnia dah 14thn mamat nih o.O ...
p/s Kak Ina skrg cite korea byk boleh tgk online jek free and up to date lagi ahaha (tapi bila dah kuar dvd nnt bleh gaks beli yg ori then layan seploh kali XD lama2x boleh paham bahasa korea x yah baca subtitle dah nnt =)
salam kak ina, pepagi mak saya call ( waktu mesia lam tghari ) kata sang yuk mati bunuh diri.. ( saya & mak saya pencinta Winter Sonata ) kalut dia bukak website cari pasai sang yuk n terus call saya...huhuhuh.
sian dia kan....aduhai...kalau akak nak tau farah layan citer winter sonata nih dh nak dekat 30 kali kot ( sungguh xtipu ) skrg ni pun tgh duk layan balik utk kali ke brp ntah.....hahaha.....yg peliknya..tiap kali tgk..tiap kali tuh nak nangis...hubby pun dh tahap malas layan bini meroyan dia nih! :p
Salam Kak Ina...
BalasPadamPark ni yang jadi hero dalam citer Winter Sonata tu ke? Alahai, kita tengok sekali je citer tu, pinjam CD kawan. Tu pun masa kat Malawi dulu. 2 hari kita dok tercongok depan TV sampai kol 1 pagi. Pas tu macam dah serik kejap, tak mau tengok citer banyak CD ni... penat!
glamor2 pun nak bunuh diri..xpaham betol..tekanan membuatkan orang yg takda pegangan yang kuat pilih jalan pendek mcm tu..hmm...
BalasPadamaha kak baru je dengar cite pasal dia nih bunuh diri dari member yang minat drama korea kat ofis nih...pastu terus bukak blog cikmin....huhuhu sedih gak kan...memang ramai actor korea bunuh diri actually taktau la singkat sangat pemikiran dorang kan....takde tuhan camtu la jadiknya....
BalasPadamni gara2 tension dengan hidup le ni....
BalasPadamMemang Carrefour Silap
kak ina angah pun suka tengok cerita korea... cuba akak tengok cita down with love best kak
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