Dari Newcastle kami ke Durham, Russhdi kata ada satu menarik yang kena pegi. Kami ke University College and Durham Castle United, kata anak tempat menarik.
Bila nak ambil gambar baru teringat kamera tertinggal kat kereta, nak ambil jauh pulak dari tempat parking terpaksalah gunakan camera hp. Ralat sebab gambar tak berapa lawa.
Kat sini ada shopping complex, sempatlah kami merayau dulu baru gerak ke atas. Bila tenguk Durham Castle ni sayup-sayup dari tempat akak ambil gambar ni, suami dan anak dah risau takut akak tak larat nak daki bukit tu.
Setelah mendaki perlahan-lahan akhirnya sampai gak kat atas bukit ni. Berhenti satu kali sebab capek. Akak cari dalam google tentang sejarah Durham Castle/Uni ni. Malas nak translate.University College, or Castle as it is affectionately known, is the oldest college of Durham University, founded in 1832,
Durham Castle, together with the Cathedral, was awarded the status of a World Heritage Site in 1986 providing international recognition for this unique, historic and scenic site.
Standing side by side on a prominent hill top site and encircled by the wooded slopes of the meandering River Wear, the Castle overlooks the medieval City of Durham with its fascinating narrow streets. Durham is one of the UK's elite universities.
Standing side by side on a prominent hill top site and encircled by the wooded slopes of the meandering River Wear, the Castle overlooks the medieval City of Durham with its fascinating narrow streets. Durham is one of the UK's elite universities.
banyak perkuburan lama kat depan ni
History of the CastleDurham Castle is the hub of University College. It is part of the Durham World Heritage Site and a Grade 1 Listed Building. No other college in the British Isles can have a more ancient or impressive home.
The Castle was previously the chief residence of the Bishops of Durham and as such played a significant role in the history of the United Kingdom. With the Cathedral, it is still very much an icon of the City and County of Durham. Nak tau lebih lanjut INFO DI SINI
Batu berbentuk orang tu dikatakan adalah pesalah yang telah di hukum bunuh. Suami nak jadi undertakerlah pulak.The Castle was previously the chief residence of the Bishops of Durham and as such played a significant role in the history of the United Kingdom. With the Cathedral, it is still very much an icon of the City and County of Durham. Nak tau lebih lanjut INFO DI SINI
The World Heritage Site at the heart of the City of Durham has been a leading centre of scholarship for over 1000 years, while our cosmopolitan Queen's Campus in Stockton is at the leading edge of Teesside's transition from an industrial to knowledge economy.
The University of Durham was founded in 1832 by Bishop Van Mildert and the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral. After Van Mildert’s death in 1836 the Castle was handed over to the University and became University College in 1837, the oldest of the Durham Colleges.
Early generations of students lived either in University House, now Cosin’s Hall, or in the Castle Keep which was reconstructed in 1840. Nak tau lebih lanjut info di sini.
Akak masuk ke dalam Castle yang telah di jadikan gereja , fuhhh terpegun bila tenguk binaan kat dalam memang unik, tapi sayangnya tak di benarkan ambil gambar di dalamnya. Kalau nak tenguk gambar kat dalam google lah yer.
Masa kami sampai masih ramai lagi pelajar-pelajar berkeliaran di sini.
Ada juga pelajar Malaysia di University Durham ni. Kalau sape nak hantar anak belajar kat UK boleh cari info tentang Uni ni yer.
Memang kagum bila tenguk bangunan lama macam ni.
Macam manalah agaknya orang dahulu boleh bina bangunan setinggi ini.
Dalam perjalanan balik kami ikut jalan yang lain, kami menyusuri jalan tepi sungai. Ramai omputih berjogging di sini.
Dahlah Ina...ashik ambil gambar ajer..suami dah pot pet..
Tak sempat nak masuk sini sebab dah tutup. Ada satu lagi muzium,
tak sempat nak gi sebab dah petang.
tak sempat nak gi sebab dah petang.
Kat tepi jambatan banyak cafe dan restoran tapi mana boleh masuk sebab semua makanan tak halal. Ada gak kedai cenderahati dan barangan lain. Kami alas perut makan roti yang di beli kat supermarket 1 pound kat dalam shopping centre. Kalau nak mengayuh sampan kat sungai ni pun boleh.
Lepas tu round-round kejap dan terus balik ke rumah. Bila sampai kat rumah masih sempat lagi solat asar sebab masuk waktu pukul 6.00 lebih. Hari ini member Russhdi masak ikan kembung bakar dalam oven.

Subhanallah indah nya ciptaan Nya
BalasPadammy colleague grad phd durham dec last year--pic convo dia sgt cantik sbb background castle kan :) jeles me
BalasPadamSalam ziarah.. Biasalah kita org perempuan ni yg lebih amik gambar. Semua tempat nak tangkap. He he he... terkena kat batang hidung sendiri...
BalasPadamAssalamualaikum Kak Ina
BalasPadambila agaknya saya boleh sampai kat sana....
cantik pemandanganya kak..
BalasPadamrugi lah kalo tak snap gambar banyak2...kan senang nak dtg..selalu
As salam Kak Ina. Bertuahnya akak dapat sampai ke tempat2 cantik nie. Bila la saya nak sampai ke sana..
BalasPadammemang, lawa, nak dtg sini gak laa
BalasPadamNice pics kak although with a hp camera only.
BalasPadamcanteknya view kat situ..
BalasPadamdlm castle tu cane rupanya..mmg macam istana la yer..bestnya kak ina dapat gi sana
Assalamualaikum saya akan sambung belajar di sana. Boleh berikan saya sesiapa kenalan yg boleh guide sye di sana?
BalasPadamMaaf yer...auntie tak ada lah sebab yang kenal dah balik ke sini